January 06, 2022

NEWS: Rep. Jamaal Bowman Responds to Gov. Kathy Hochul’s State of the State Address

For Immediate Release 

January 6, 2022

Contact: bowman.press@mail.house.gov


NEWS: Rep. Jamaal Bowman Responds to Gov. Kathy Hochul’s State of the State Address

New York – Today, Congressman Jamaal Bowman (NY-16) issued the following statement in response to Governor Hochul’s State of the State address. 

“New York is facing important issues like the COVID-19 pandemic, our youth mental health crisis, extreme teacher shortages, extreme weather and climate change, and urgent needs for violence prevention and healing; together it must be our collective vision to support our fellow New Yorkers and deliver resources to our communities,” said Congressman Jamaal Bowman (NY-16). “Governor Hochul’s address outlined important steps forward for our state to tackle some of the problems we face and I am hopeful that together, and through holistic approaches and solutions, we will manifest our vision for a healthier, safer, and more environmentally resilient future. Right now, more than anything, New Yorkers need both state and federal resources deployed to fight the sharp rise of COVID cases in New York and help, not just my constituents, but every New Yorker. More than one in five tests are coming back positive in our state and for the first time in 20 months, there are over 10,000 New Yorkers in our hospitals struggling with COVID. As an educator who has worked alongside New York’s greatest teachers and students, I know that the moment we are confronted with only compounds the complex traumas so many of our children and families are dealing with. Teachers across New York City and the state are absent from school because they are sick, battling COVID infections, and it is clear that a remote learning situation is urgently needed to keep students and educators safe and prevent further learning loss.”

“From COVID-19 to gun violence and hopelessness, New Yorkers are dealing with unimaginable burdens and relief is needed,” added Congressman Bowman. “Throughout the Governor’s 45 days in office I am thankful to have helped bring over $6 million in resources to our community to help us heal from these traumas and look forward to the continued partnership that ensures our state and federal government provide families in my district, in the state of New York, and across the country, the support they need. We must do everything we can to address the roots of violence: poverty, housing and food insecurity, and the traumatic displays of racial injustice. As a proud New Yorker, I will continue to work with Governor Hochul for the wellbeing and prompt recovery of our state.” 

